SEO Challenges for a multisite CMS
Pieter Versloot

Pieter Versloot

SEO Challenges for a multisite CMS

Managing multiple websites can be challenging, especially when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). Here are some important SEO considerations to keep in mind when managing a multisite solution.

The usage of separate domains or subdomains

Hosting multiple websites on one domain can lead to confusion for search engines as they might have difficulty differentiating between the different sites. In addition, if one site on the domain gets penalized by search engines, it can also affect the other sites on the same domain.

Using separate domains or subdomains for each website can help search engines understand that each site is unique and has its own content. This allows search engines to crawl and index each site separately, which can improve their visibility and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

For example, if you own a clothing company that sells men's clothing, women's clothing, and children's clothing, you may consider using separate domains or subdomains for each category. This can help each category to rank independently on SERPs for relevant keywords and phrases.

Unique content for websites and domains

Having unique and valuable content on each website is essential for SEO. Search engines prioritize websites with quality content that provides value to their users. Duplicating content across multiple websites can lead to penalties from search engines, such as lower rankings or being deindexed altogether.

When creating content for multiple websites, it's important to ensure that each piece is unique and provides value to the user. This means that you should avoid copying and pasting content from one website to another. Instead, focus on creating content that is specific to each website and provides information that is useful and relevant to the website's target audience.

For example, if you have multiple websites that sell different products, you should ensure that the product descriptions and other content on each website are unique and provide value to the user. This can help improve the visibility and rankings of each website on search engine results pages.

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