Partnership between ParnasSys and Plate
Pieter Versloot

Pieter Versloot

Partnership between ParnasSys and Plate

With pride, we announce the launch of 'ParnasSys School Website.' This offering is the result of an intensive collaboration between ParnasSys and Plate over the past year.

In recent months, ParnasSys and Plate have delighted dozens of school boards with a user-friendly solution for centrally managing school websites within our Multisite Platform. This has paved the way for a long-term partnership, for which we signed the agreement last week with Nick Leidelmeijer, Head of Business Strategy at ParnasSys.

ParnasSys Plate tekenen

ParnasSys is part of Topicus and is a market leader in primary education with its namesake student development system. Additionally, it provides solutions for parent and student communication, such as Parro, Schookassa, and now School Website. ParnasSys aims to support schools in optimizing their processes and providing high-quality services to students and parents.

Support and Inquiries

Would you like to learn more about this collaboration or experience the power of the Plate and ParnasSys combination? Please contact Johannes Baas at

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